Lunch & Learn - Downtown Economic Development Update: Spencer's Mill Redevelopment & More
Sponsored by:
City of Mount Airy - Ron Niland
Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care
Steve Yokeley for City Commissioner
The Chamber is hosting a Lunch and Learn for guests to have lunch together, network, and hear from a leader of the local community. Come learn about several exciting economic development and community improvement projects happening in downtown Mount Airy, including latest news on the three-phased $55 million+ Spencer's Mill Redevelopment Project. This historic preservation project is one of the largest economic development projects in the history of Mount Airy. Our presenter is Lizzie Morrison, Main Street Coordinator with Mount Airy Downtown, Inc. Lunch will be served by Cross Creek Country Club catering. Following Morrison's remarks there will be a Q&A session open to all attendees.

Lizzie Morrison, Mount Airy Downtown - Main Street Coordinator
California Salad (Chicken, Avocado, Strawberries, Poppy Seed Dressing) or Fruit Plate (Seasonal Fruit, Berry Yogurt, Cottage Cheese)
Dress Code
Business casual
Jordon Edwards, Events Director
(336)786-6116 ext 204
*The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce does not endorse any specific candidate running for office. The candidates who chose to sponsor this event have a membership with the organization and have equal access to sponsoring events as every other Chamber Member.